|| सुस्वागतम् ||

Now Pilgrim can book minimum of 3 days in advance and max of 60 days

प्रयाग राज में आयोजित महाकुम्भ में विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी उत्तर प्रदेश प्रान्त की ओर से आवास, भोजन, यातायात, चिकित्सा इत्यादि सेवा दी जायेगी। 


 Be partake in 8th International Conference on Yoga

Yoga Sastra Sangamam https://sangamam.vrmvk.yoga


 Own A Room Scheme

So far nearly 60 Donor's name has been inscribed with different type of rooms under this scheme. Even now there are Double Bedded Rooms, Tripple Bedded Rooms and A.C. Rooms available to witness your name also.

We appeal you to take this generous opportunity to offer your share by donating for a room.

click here to download more information


Grab the opportunity to attend Camps at KanyaKumari


They alone live, who live for others.

- Swami Vivekananda

50% of Voluntary Contribution to Vivekananda Kendra is eligible for deduction under sec. 80G(5)(vi) vide URN AAATV0153DF20217 valid till 31.03.2026, subject to other conditionedmentioned under section80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961

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